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  • Writer's pictureLily Rosen

Boilerplates: Learning More Complicated Press Kit Elements

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

Familiarizing oneself with clients and sharing that information with the public.

Hattie B's Nashville

For my second installment of my press kit blog I am excited to share another element of press kits, the boilerplate. With more time on site, I now have more experience creating press kits and the documents that compose them and can share a slightly more difficult element. Boilerplates are meant to serve as a snapshot of the client. They are a brief blurb about the history of the restaurant and may include helpful links to the client's website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other forms of social media. They are often used at the end of press releases so the recipient will have all information about the client needed to write about the client news contained in that press release. Boilerplates are also often used in pitches (see my forth blog post) to help the writer, freelancer or other members of the media write about the restaurant. The elements of a boilerplate are as follows.


  1. Client logo

  2. PR firm logo

  3. Font: Bookman Old Style

  4. Links to client website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

  5. PR firm media contact and information


“Boilerplates are meant to serve as a snapshot of the client.”

A boilerplate is not meant to be a long-winded explanation of the client, its history and other non-essential elements. It is instead meant to include only the key facts in less than 10 sentences. This is not only true of boilerplates, but many press kit elements and writing in public relations. People, especially writers and other members of the press, do not have a lot of time to sit and read long essays about clients. It is better to make sure that all writing is clear, concise and catchy so that people will have time to read it and will remember it.

For the Hattie B’s boilerplate below I included facts about its signature dish, founders, locations, offerings and a link to the official website for more information. At the end of the boilerplate there is also a section with my contact information in case any member of the media would like to reach out to me for more information such as bios, pictures or recipes.

Hattie B's Boilerplate

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