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  • Writer's pictureLily Rosen

Press Recaps and Final Thoughts: Documenting the Work

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

Bringing the entire press kit together and delivering it to the client.

The last element of a press kit is a press recap. Press recaps are where you report to the client all the work you have done on their behalf through the press hits you have received. It is a way to “brag” to the client, but it is also tedious work. There are a few ways to create press recaps, but a standard way it to create a list of press hits, or simply press coverage, the client has received. It is helpful to list these hits in chronological order and include the publication, date, article title and finally a link to the article. Other elements are as follows.


  1. PR firm logo

  2. Client logo

  3. Font: Bookman Old Style

  4. Press hits in chronological order

  5. Publications

  6. Dates

  7. Article Titles

  8. Hyperlinks to press hits


During a publicist's busy day it is often easy to forget to log these press hits while time is spent meeting with clients, creating press kit elements, pitching ideas and other important tasks. Nevertheless, if press hits are not documented in a press recap the client might not see them and all the hard work you put in to gaining these press hits may go unnoticed. Therefore, I make sure to neatly record press hits weekly. On Friday, the press recap is sent over to the client and a sense of pride is felt when the fruit of your labor is documented and acknowledged.

"Press kits are a way to 'brag' to the client”

As with all elements of the press kit, organization is key in creating a press recap. The client needs to be able to read this document easily and find a press hit at any time. After reviewing different ways to create a press kit I found that the example below, which is in chronological order, was the easiest format for me to follow and the preferred method of most of my colleagues.

Below is a press recap of press hits a Hattie B’s publicist would document:

Learning Goal Conclusion

I have really enjoyed my semester interning at a hospitality public relations firm. The learning goal of creating a press kit was both challenging and rewarding and I truly believe I learned a lot. I hope this blog, in addition to serving as my learning goal evidence, may be helpful to others looking to learn about public relations and press kits.

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